Digital Ghosts.

I’m taking a break from work and my phone rings. I look down at the caller ID. It says Grandpa. I hesitate for a moment because a) his birthday was last week, and b) he never calls me. Oh also, he’s been dead for two years. What the fuck, I think. I stare at the phone for a moment longer and then answer. Me: Uhhh…hello? Mom: Are you busy? I need website help. Me: What the…why are you…how are you calling from Grandpa’s phone? Mom: What? Me: My caller ID […]


The real world is a complicated place, starkly different than the world I grew up with, a world of black and white. If something was bad, I was taught, it was from the devil. If it was good, it was from God. “How do I know if something is bad or good?” I would ask. And then I would be told it was simple – all my answers were in the bible. Of course, that also required me to believe that the harmful thoughts that ran through my mind from […]